Thursday, July 23, 2009

Under Construction

cause i that all of my faithful readers *insert scarcasm here* are wondering what the heck is up with my blog...well this genieus decided to try to change the layout and messed it all i'm working on figuring it out so please bare with me here. please excuse the mess!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Goin Back to Cali....

When we last spoke I was getting ready to take a trip to California, well I'm back now so...settle in folks this entry is going to be a long one...

Departing from CLT @ 7 pm Friday night, I had one layover in Dallas. A 2 hour stop, just enough time to get to the other terminal, hit the bathroom, grab a drink and a bite to eat, then time to board. My plan was going smoothly, until I found out that airport bars close...WTH? Plan B~ hit up TGI Fridays. I had a delightful chat with a guy at the bar and even shared my potato skins with him. Time to go board....or so I thought. My flight was supposed to depart DWF @ 10:40 we were delayed and not going to board until 10:40 pm. So now its getting closer to 11:30 pm and we still have not boarded. Finally they let us board the plane, which has been there the entire time by the way, just not the crew. I landed @ LAX past 1 am local time...can you say EXHAUSTED, it was 4 am for me. My fabulous and amazing friend (Amanda) picked me up from the airport. We played catch up on the drive back to the 909. I hit the bed a little before 3 am and was wide awake at 5:30, so much for sleep.

Mom and I loaded the kids in the car and headed out around 7:30. The drive was nice and mellow. Once we arrived in Lundy, it was non-stop. So many family member that I haven't seen in so long. That first night we had about 70 people at the camp. CRAZY, but a good crazy. My Grandpa, aunt Jill and cousin Lorie headed up into the canyon to do a little creek fishing and I caught my first Brookie ever, and my first fish in years.

The family presented my Grandpa with a journal that will be filled with all of our favorite memories about Lundy and being there with him. He is truly an amazing man and our family wouldn't be what it is today without him.

My fabulous friend Lacie came down from Reno to visit with me. She is the best.

Spending time with my cousins was a blast. It isn't often we all get the chance to hang out, now that we are all over the place. I do have to say that Oliver, Chase, Erin and Emily suck for ruining the SNIPE hunting adventure that I had planned for Adam...Curtis was the only one that had my back on that. Oh time.

Here are some slide shows I put together of my trip...Enjoy:

We left Lundy on Tuesday just in time for the rain to start falling. It was a great trip and it made me realized even more how important family is.

Unfortunately the rest of my trip did not go as planned. I won't go into details on here out of respect for my family. I will say that as much as I would like to say what happened doesn't effect me or bring up some memories that I would much rather forget, it does. Things changed last week, big time. It will take ALOT of time and serious consideration for me to forgive and forget the things that took place. It didn't have to happen the way that it did, it didn't have to come to that, but choices were made and you can't take them back. It was heart breaking and very hurtful.

I want to say thanks to Libby and Pat for being there to listen and take my mind off of it even for a few hours. Your support means more than you know.

I'm going to end this now, but not without saying that I miss my mom already!

And I don't know if I will ever fly American Airlines again, although I did get to go to Chicago....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Priceless Insight

I just came across a quote that applies to most of my every day life....I'm gonna use it and stick with it for a while...

"Old enough to know better, Young enough not to care"

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Odds & Ends

Just a post to catch everyone up on what's been going on...

~My best friend Erin is moving to Germany on July 1st. It has been over 3 years since we have seen each other. She has a beautiful little boy Alex, who I haven't met yet. I guess I need to start planning my European adventures, cause I am going to have to go visit.

~ I am getting ready to go to California for a week. Family reunion time. I will be spending 4 days in Lundy. I'm so excited to go camping and to see all of my family. Some of them I haven't seen since before I left for Charlotte.

~ My newest obsession (the gym) is fabulous. I really love going...who would have thunk. And I'm a total rockstar too...16 lbs in 5 weeks. YAY me!

I think that is all...I feel like I should have more to say. Oh well...until next time

Just A Girl

This post is way over due but I tend to slack a little when it comes to this stuff...


On June 6th, SP and myself took a venture out to Verizon Wireless Ampitheather to check out the NO DOUBT concert. See I'm a California girl through and through, even if I do live in the south now and say "ya'll", so I had to see one of my favorite bands and support my Anaheim (I was born there) roots.
We had originally bought lawn seats, but after about 4 days straight of rain, I was a little worried that they were going to be more like mud seats. Upon entering the venue, we spoted a sign that said $10 seat upgrades. SCORE! We, of course, took advantage of that offer. Our seats were just to the right of the stage and way better than lawn seats.

The Sounds and Paramore were the opening bands. I had never heard of The Sounds before, but I enjoyed them. They reminded me of a 80's band. Paramore was very good. They are another one of my favorite bands. SP and I were taking bets on what song they would close with..."Decode" from the Twilight soundtrack was the winner. SP won that one.

NO DOUBT hit the stage with "Spiderwebs" and continued to rock out with their biggest hits. They put on an FABULOUS show. I wish I had half as much energy that Gwen has. They closed the set with "Sunday Morning" which is probably my favorite song by them. I had a blast and most definently spend the money to see them again.

My pictures are the greatest, but I thought I would share them anyways...

And of course the shameless self portrait

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's the small things...

Living alone really makes you appreciate the little things in life that make your day. Its doesn't matter if its a song on the radio, a commercial that makes you laugh, a phone call, etc... I could go on and on. I guess its the simple things in my life that I enjoy the most like:

1) My mom ~ she is my best friend. I don't really know what else to say because there simply are no words to explain how much she means to me.

2) Late night phone calls about random things and life with my closest girls ~ Erin, Amanda and Krystle. You gals never fail to make me laugh. It never matters that we haven't seen each other in years in some cases (Erin) or talked in weeks, we always pick up right where we left off. True friendship at its best. Love you ladies!

3) Re-run episodes of The West Wing ~ it doesn't matter how many times I have seen an episode I will still sit and watch because I walk away feeling good. And it makes me laugh.

4) Twilight ~ I never thought a love story between a sparkly vampire and a human girl would brighten my day so dang much, but it does and I don't care how childish it seems...I love it.

5) Music ~ Just music in general. I wouldn't make it through my day if I didn't have music.

6) The Gym ~ this is a new one that I have just discovered. It is amazing what even just 30 minutes on the treadmill can do for your mood.

I know this post it completely random but that is me sometimes. <3

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sex on Fire


Last Thursday night, Sarah (I would link her blog but I don't know how)and I set out on a Rockstar Adventure. Kings of Leon were in town and playing literally just down the street from my house. I personally had never heard of the band until late last year. Since then what I had heard of their most recent album, I really like them. Apparently they have quite a large following especially in Europe. I was a little wary of a live performance though. I have been disappointed so many times with bands sounding nothing like they do on the album. On our way, I looked at Sarah and said "What if they suck?" She replied with "They won't suck." After enduring a performance by the opening band, The Walkman, obviously I was not impressed. The lead singer was sounded like he was trying to channel Bob Dylan...ummm there is only one Dylan buddy. At this time I would like to pause and thank the southern gentleman that so kindly referred to me as a "douche bag" for not letting him squeeze and I do mean squeeze in front of us to an even more non-exsistant space that would put him closer to the stage. Got to the the hospitality of the south. Moving on...after a very long break to set up the stage, Kings of Leon finally took the stage. They opened with "Crawl" which as this sort of hypnotic beat that you can't help but move which point I yelled to Sarah "They don't suck". They played most of the new album including "Sex on Fire" and "Use Somebody" and some faves from the previous 3 albums. Long story short, simply one of the best shows I have ever seen.

I know its not much in the way of real Rockstar adventures, but hey I live in North Carolina...cut a girl some slack....






Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Monday, April 20, 2009

Not Me Monday

I do not spend most of my days cyber stalking ~ nope not me

I did not completely OVER spend this weekend ~ nope not me

I did not stay up until 4 a.m. watching Dazed and Confused on Saturday night ~ nope not me

I did not wake up yesterday in the foulest mood for absolutely no reason ~ nope not me

I did not after waking up so grouchy put myself back to bed like a 2 year old ~ nope not me

I did not wake up from said nap, only to be in a worse mood over the stupidest dream that pissed me off, so stupid that I am completely embarressed to even say what it was about ~ nope not me

I did not sit around yesterday and do absolutely nothing, when I had stuff around the house to do ~ nope not me

I did not just ask my mom to bail me out of my over spending ~ nope not me

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Random Thoughts

I have just been thinking a lot today about things that make me say Hmmm? or HUH? I thought I would share some of them with you....

~ how does someone not know how to use email

~ why does it makes me want to vomit when I hear about peoples fabulous relationships

~ why everytime I hear "Supermassive Black Hole" by Muse, do I giggle like a school girl *ok I know why, but still*

~ why when you are enjoying yourself, does time pass by so quickly, but when you are not enjoying yourself, time DRAGS by

~ why its okay to ignore someone for months for no reason then start talking to them like nothing

~ as much as I feel like an adult, there is a part of me that still feels like I'm a kid and have no idea what I'm doing with my life.

~ why people can't put things back where they found them

I could spend all day doing this but I will spare you all my madness...does anyone even read this I wonder HAHA

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Weekend Recap

After work on Friday, I met up with Sarah at the Northlake Mall. We had plans to spend the evening and early morning waiting for the midnight release of Twilight on DVD (yes I am one of those Twilight people). We went to the Borders Midnight Release Party. I have 3 words to describe the event: LAME, UNORGANIZED, RUDE. We ended up hanging out in the cafe upstairs until it was time to line up for our purchase. We read magazines and made fun of the chaos going on below us. Oh, and taking pictures of ourselves. :)


Sarah is always playing with her iphone


Sarah & Me

So after waiting all night for the DVD, I went home to watch it. Yes I watched it at 2 a.m., even though I have seen it several times.

I wish I could say that the rest of my weekend was eventful but it wasn't. After staying up until almost 5 am on Saturday, I spent most of the day sleeping. Then it was chores and playing catch up on TIVO. I made enchiladas for dinner on Sunday. YUMMY!

Friday, March 20, 2009

CSI on 40 Acres?!?!

My mom is visiting my Grandparents in Reno this week to help out. They haven't been doing so well lately :( I called after I got home from work for our usual chat. This is how the conversation went:

Me: What are you doing?

Mom: Watching CSI

Me: Oh, cool. Have you seen it before?

Mom: No, seriously watching CSI here on the property.

Me: Ummm, excuse me? What are you talking about?

You see my family lives outside the city, in the middle of no where really, on 40 acres of land. Apparently this is how it all went down. My uncle left for work at 5:30 am. When he got to the main road, it was blocked off by the police. They were searching for an armed suspect in the area. Douggy Fresh (my uncle. thats what I call him) went back to the house to let the others know what was going on. He gets out of his truck and notices blood on my cousin's car, his truck, and all along the front porch. The guy had been hiding on 40 acres. Fresh called the law to let them know (sorry I'm having fun with this) of his findings. The SWAT team and the CSI's were called in and they spent the next 14 or so hours searching and collecting evidence. CRAZY! I tell you nothing exciting ever happens around there. So when I went to bed last night, they still hadn't found the guy, a 19 year old kid by the way. I checked the local news this morning and this is what I found:

Found at the hospital about 40 miles away being treated for a gun shot wound. Well they don't say that in the article, but I know the guy was bleeding.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Friday, March 6, 2009

Flashback Friday

Krystle and I right before graduation....
That was almost nine years ago....god I am feeling old
I love her dearly and don't know what I would do without her.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Charlotte and Snow Don't Mix

I have no idea who will read this, but I figured oh what the hell!

I don't understand why this city shuts down when it snows. I spent two winters in Reno, NV where it SNOWS, I'm talking like 3 feet, not 3 inches. We got about 5 inches maybe more on Sunday night, which is a lot for this area, but I mean seriously this city shuts down. No school, no banks, heck even restaurants close. By Monday morning the sun was shining bright, and still everything was closed. Ridiculous I tell you. Another thing I find hysterical is that everyone stocks up on milk, bread and eggs?!? Maybe I'm out of the norm here but I don't consider those to be the staples I would want if I was snowed in. I would be stocking up on things like water for one....and wine for another.