Wednesday, May 20, 2009

It's the small things...

Living alone really makes you appreciate the little things in life that make your day. Its doesn't matter if its a song on the radio, a commercial that makes you laugh, a phone call, etc... I could go on and on. I guess its the simple things in my life that I enjoy the most like:

1) My mom ~ she is my best friend. I don't really know what else to say because there simply are no words to explain how much she means to me.

2) Late night phone calls about random things and life with my closest girls ~ Erin, Amanda and Krystle. You gals never fail to make me laugh. It never matters that we haven't seen each other in years in some cases (Erin) or talked in weeks, we always pick up right where we left off. True friendship at its best. Love you ladies!

3) Re-run episodes of The West Wing ~ it doesn't matter how many times I have seen an episode I will still sit and watch because I walk away feeling good. And it makes me laugh.

4) Twilight ~ I never thought a love story between a sparkly vampire and a human girl would brighten my day so dang much, but it does and I don't care how childish it seems...I love it.

5) Music ~ Just music in general. I wouldn't make it through my day if I didn't have music.

6) The Gym ~ this is a new one that I have just discovered. It is amazing what even just 30 minutes on the treadmill can do for your mood.

I know this post it completely random but that is me sometimes. <3

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sex on Fire


Last Thursday night, Sarah (I would link her blog but I don't know how)and I set out on a Rockstar Adventure. Kings of Leon were in town and playing literally just down the street from my house. I personally had never heard of the band until late last year. Since then what I had heard of their most recent album, I really like them. Apparently they have quite a large following especially in Europe. I was a little wary of a live performance though. I have been disappointed so many times with bands sounding nothing like they do on the album. On our way, I looked at Sarah and said "What if they suck?" She replied with "They won't suck." After enduring a performance by the opening band, The Walkman, obviously I was not impressed. The lead singer was sounded like he was trying to channel Bob Dylan...ummm there is only one Dylan buddy. At this time I would like to pause and thank the southern gentleman that so kindly referred to me as a "douche bag" for not letting him squeeze and I do mean squeeze in front of us to an even more non-exsistant space that would put him closer to the stage. Got to the the hospitality of the south. Moving on...after a very long break to set up the stage, Kings of Leon finally took the stage. They opened with "Crawl" which as this sort of hypnotic beat that you can't help but move which point I yelled to Sarah "They don't suck". They played most of the new album including "Sex on Fire" and "Use Somebody" and some faves from the previous 3 albums. Long story short, simply one of the best shows I have ever seen.

I know its not much in the way of real Rockstar adventures, but hey I live in North Carolina...cut a girl some slack....




