Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Goin Back to Cali....

When we last spoke I was getting ready to take a trip to California, well I'm back now so...settle in folks this entry is going to be a long one...

Departing from CLT @ 7 pm Friday night, I had one layover in Dallas. A 2 hour stop, just enough time to get to the other terminal, hit the bathroom, grab a drink and a bite to eat, then time to board. My plan was going smoothly, until I found out that airport bars close...WTH? Plan B~ hit up TGI Fridays. I had a delightful chat with a guy at the bar and even shared my potato skins with him. Time to go board....or so I thought. My flight was supposed to depart DWF @ 10:40 we were delayed and not going to board until 10:40 pm. So now its getting closer to 11:30 pm and we still have not boarded. Finally they let us board the plane, which has been there the entire time by the way, just not the crew. I landed @ LAX past 1 am local time...can you say EXHAUSTED, it was 4 am for me. My fabulous and amazing friend (Amanda) picked me up from the airport. We played catch up on the drive back to the 909. I hit the bed a little before 3 am and was wide awake at 5:30, so much for sleep.

Mom and I loaded the kids in the car and headed out around 7:30. The drive was nice and mellow. Once we arrived in Lundy, it was non-stop. So many family member that I haven't seen in so long. That first night we had about 70 people at the camp. CRAZY, but a good crazy. My Grandpa, aunt Jill and cousin Lorie headed up into the canyon to do a little creek fishing and I caught my first Brookie ever, and my first fish in years.

The family presented my Grandpa with a journal that will be filled with all of our favorite memories about Lundy and being there with him. He is truly an amazing man and our family wouldn't be what it is today without him.

My fabulous friend Lacie came down from Reno to visit with me. She is the best.

Spending time with my cousins was a blast. It isn't often we all get the chance to hang out, now that we are all over the place. I do have to say that Oliver, Chase, Erin and Emily suck for ruining the SNIPE hunting adventure that I had planned for Adam...Curtis was the only one that had my back on that. Oh time.

Here are some slide shows I put together of my trip...Enjoy:

We left Lundy on Tuesday just in time for the rain to start falling. It was a great trip and it made me realized even more how important family is.

Unfortunately the rest of my trip did not go as planned. I won't go into details on here out of respect for my family. I will say that as much as I would like to say what happened doesn't effect me or bring up some memories that I would much rather forget, it does. Things changed last week, big time. It will take ALOT of time and serious consideration for me to forgive and forget the things that took place. It didn't have to happen the way that it did, it didn't have to come to that, but choices were made and you can't take them back. It was heart breaking and very hurtful.

I want to say thanks to Libby and Pat for being there to listen and take my mind off of it even for a few hours. Your support means more than you know.

I'm going to end this now, but not without saying that I miss my mom already!

And I don't know if I will ever fly American Airlines again, although I did get to go to Chicago....

1 comment:

  1. Well my friend, sounds like you had a fun trip, mostly. The pics of Lundy are gorgeous! I just wanted to be laying out next to the lake when I looked at the pictures. Btw, love the background of your page!
    Love you!!
